Best Web Hosting 2021


We tested over 30 host providers and cross tested it with 10 years of data hosting hundreds of our clients websites to help you find the top host in United States.

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Premium Website Hosting-Generating best Features & Capabilities

The optimum website hosting is a vehicle to equip clients with world-class features and capabilities. The offered options include virtual dedicated servers, dedicated servers, cloud hosting   and many more.

Premium accounts give website owners access to high traffic and optimal storage with traditional hosting accounts.

Traditional Web Hosting:

This type assigns a shared server account to the client. Since a premium account, there comes more traffic and storage space in addition to sophisticated web management interfaces and electronic shopping carts.

Dedicated Servers:

In this type, a complete hardware server is assigned to a single account giving clients full range of hardware at their very fingertips. They are empowered to install software applications and their own operating system. Client can reboot system at any point in time. This type of servers caters to high storage and greater traffic requirements for particular websites. Also works well for those websites that demand significant processing capabilities.

Virtual Server Account:

Similar to a dedicated server, this is granted through a hardware server partition. This type is a mid-way deal between traditional and dedicated types. This is actually a software server keeping a separate operating system, however, share resources with other virtual servers on the same hardware.  Those website owners who require versatility and flexibility of a dedicated server but are not able to afford a dedicated hardware, this option works well.

Cloud Hosting:

This is basically a network of servers that offers workload distribution across the network on a real time basis. This makes the account independent of a single server. Cloud would use any server that is available on the network in order to meet the requirements of the website. Clients can easily perform upgrades to accounts for software application use, traffic and storage.

Comparing Web Hosting Accounts

Following features must be carefully evaluated when drawing a comparison.

  • Is the provider charging any set up fee?
  • Unlimited storage is usually offered by premium accounts. Therefore you must check for the offered terabytes, gigabytes or megabytes offered by the account.
  • For premium accounts, either me asured in tens of gigabytes or offered as unlimited; Bandwidth needs to be confirmed. i.e. the amount of traffic included for the account.
  • The premium hosting accounts, as part of their package, provide at least one domain name. You must check for such features.
  • High transfer of data speed is a feature you are looking for when it comes to premium accounts.
  • As clients are never interested to pay for accounts that generate high downtime, so, check for those that guarantee high industry standard uptime.
  • Is “What You See Is What You Get” (WYSIWYG) type applications are provided?
  • In case of ecommerce needs, electronic shopping cart must exist
  • Traffic statistics must be generated as reports, graphs or charts.
  • The number of email accounts
  • Programming scripts support enabled
  • Support checking for content management systems like WordPress, Joomla etc.
  • 24/7 customer support options.