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Terms of Use

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Take your time and thoroughly go through this agreement before accessing or using our website. Your acknowledgment by admittance or usage of this website legally binds you by all of the terms contained in this agreement. The usage right of this website is personally for you, and is not transferable to any person or entity.

Site Usage

You may use this Site, the Service, along with the information in writings, images and other works that you see, listen or otherwise experience on this Site (separately or collectively). The “content” is solely for the use of non-commercial personal purposes only. You in any case are not authorized to transform or reconstruct the material at this Site nor no right, title or interest pertaining to any Content is transferred to you, whether resulting to downloading such Content or otherwise. Prohibition of using any of the material of this Site on any other websites should strictly be followed. Complete Title and full academic property rights in all Content are reserved by (name of website). Apart from any material which may be authorized under this Agreement, any material/content found altered, copied, distributed, transmitted by any means may fall in the breaching of these Terms which may lead to the termination of usage of this Site.

Disclaimer of Warranty; Limitation of Liability

(A) Under these terms the User expressly agreed upon to use this Site at own risk. Though we have gathered the information on this Site keeping in view the Accuracy, but room for human error cannot be overlooked. The availability of this site is made on an “as is” and “as available” basis exclusive of any kind of warranties, either expressed or implied, in addition to excluding the limitation of the warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement.

(B) The un-interruption and “0” error of this Site is somehow not guaranteed neither by the Site nor any other person related to this site in any form i.e. employees, agents, third party content providers or licensors. On the other hand, none of the one above makes any warranty to the results that may occur during or after the use of the website, or to any of the material provided directly or indirectly as far as their accuracy or reliability is concerned.

(C) In no case this Site, any person or entity related to this site are not responsible for determining the appropriateness of any material/content used in the creation of this Site and assume all risks associated with the use of the same, including but not limited to the risks / damage of any data and unavailability or interruption of operations. (name of website) will not be liable for any direct damages or for any special, incidental, or indirect damages or for any economic consequential damages (including lost profits or savings). The Site will not be held liable for the loss or damage of your records or data, or any damages claimed by you based on a third party claim. The exclusion or limitations of incidental or consequential damages are not allowed by some jurisdictions, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

(D) References of any sort to entities, products or services in the content does not intended by this Site –
Third-Party Website Links
For Users convenience, the third-party websites links are provided on this Site, usage of these links will exit you from this Site. Third party websites links have not been reviewed by (name of website) nor it’s controlled by us, we will not take any responsibility for any content being published on that Site. Usage of any such material, information, software or other products may found there in addition to their results is on Users own discretion and (name of website) associates no representations and endorsement about them. The terms may be upgraded at any time without any prior notification to the Users, therefore to be informed at all times visit this page very frequently because these Terms binds you. Particular pages on this Site pertains legal notices and terms that supersedes certain provisions of these Terms.

Revised (Date).
11th June 2014